Tips for a sucessful snow plowing experience:
* Replace/ straighten out plow markers/stakes that get knocked over.
They are put there to protect Your lawn.
* Do not place or leave trash cans in your driveway, they can damage our equipment.
Our drivers will either plow around them or push them out of the way.
We will not get out of our trucks in the middle of a snowstorm to handle your trash or trash cans.
* We do not get close to garage doors.
If you are unable to clean the strip left behind you can leave your garage doors open until we are finished.
*Avoid calling our office during a snowstorm.
It is unsafe and it takes precious plowing time away from drivers when they are taking phone calls.
*Pay your bill on time.
We will skip any accounts that are late on their payments.
They are put there to protect Your lawn.
* Do not place or leave trash cans in your driveway, they can damage our equipment.
Our drivers will either plow around them or push them out of the way.
We will not get out of our trucks in the middle of a snowstorm to handle your trash or trash cans.
* We do not get close to garage doors.
If you are unable to clean the strip left behind you can leave your garage doors open until we are finished.
*Avoid calling our office during a snowstorm.
It is unsafe and it takes precious plowing time away from drivers when they are taking phone calls.
*Pay your bill on time.
We will skip any accounts that are late on their payments.